Notary Public
Who can be a Notary?
• Must be 18 years of age or older
• Must be of good moral character
• Must be capable of discharging duties imposed by law
• Must not be a convicted felon
Apply to be a Notary
• An Application for Appointment for Notary State at Large must be completed and signed by the applicant
• Applications to become a notary should be submitted through the Secretary of State’s website:
• Once approved, the applicant will be notified by mail that a “Certificate of Appointment” has been mailed to the Harlan County Clerk’s Office. The notice will indicate a thirty (30) day time period for the applicant to go to the Harlan County Clerk’s Office and complete the process.
• There is a $19.00 recording fee
($10.00 for recording the bond, $4.00 for taking/preparing the bond, and $5.00 for administering the oath)
• A surety bond in the amount of $1,000.00 is required.
• An insurance company may sign as surety. (Check with the insurance agency of your choice to request notary bond information) The bond must cover the entire period of the notary appointment.
Marriage Licenses
Marriage License Requirements
1. Both must be 18 years old or older (if either party is under 18, please see requirements below)
2. There is no waiting period, blood test or physical requirement.
3. The marriage license is valid for 30 days, including the date issued.
4. The marriage license is valid anywhere in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
Minister Requirements:
The “recognition” of a Minister can take the form of ordination or license or any other form which expresses clearly the fact that a religious group recognizes the person or looks to the person as a Minister of that specific group. Currently, there is not a registration process for a Minister to perform ceremonies in Kentucky.
Payments Accepted:
Cash, certified check, cashier’s check, money order, personal check, Visa, Discover, AMEX or MasterCard.
Requirements to marry a person under the age of 18:
1. Both parties must be 16 years of age. Neither party can be under the age of 16 without an order from the District Court. The bride must be pregnant before the court will issue an order.
2. A female minor must make an application in the county of her parent’s residence but can get married in another county after she has completed the requirements for the license.
3. A Consent to Marriage Form (84-FCC-501) is required. This must be completed, witnessed, signed by the parents or legal guardian* of the minor, and sworn by the Deputy Clerk. (A guardian must bring the document affirming guardianship).
4. One parent or legal guardian* and two witnesses 18 years old or older, must sign the Consent to Marriage Form for each minor.
5. If the parents of either minor are divorced, custody papers are required to sign the Consent to Marriage Form.
6. Birth Certificate and Driver’s License/State ID
NOTE: Legal guardian must have full guardianship. Kentucky does not marry minors whose parents reside outside the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
Prohibited and Restricted Marriages:
1. Marriages between persons who are nearer of kin to each other by blood, than second cousins.
2. Marriages between first cousins.
3. Marriages with a person mentally incompetent.
4. Marriages where one of the parties living, from whom the person marrying has not been divorced.
5. Marriages not solemnized or contracted in the presence of an authorized person or society.
6. Common law marriages.
7. Proxy marriages.
Solemnization of Marriage:
1. Marriages shall be solemnized only by Clergy, Justices and Judges of the Court of Justice; retired Justices and Judges of the Court of Justice, except those removed for cause or convicted of a felony; County Judge/Executives; such Justices of the Peace and Fiscal Court Commissioners as the Governor or the County Judge/Executive authorizes, and certain religious societies.
2. At least two persons, in addition to the parties and the person solemnizing the marriage, must be present at every marriage.
3. There are no residency requirements or licensing requirements applicable to Ministers or Priests who wish to perform marriages in Kentucky.
4. A Minister or Priest, all Justices and Judges of the Court of Justice, Justices of the Peace and Fiscal Court Commissioners may perform marriages anywhere in Kentucky.
Marriage License FAQ’s
Where are marriage licenses issued?
The parties may go to any county in Kentucky to get a marriage license if both are 18 years of age or older. Marriage licenses may be used in any Kentucky county and cannot be used anywhere but in Kentucky. If the marriage is not solemnized within the 30-day period, the parties must apply for a new license. Both must be present to obtain a license.
Who issues marriage licenses?
The County Clerk issues marriage licenses. Marriage licenses are valid for 30 days, including the date it is issued, and after that time it is invalid. Therefore, if the marriage is not solemnized within the 30-day period, the parties must apply for a new license.
How can we obtain our marriage license?
• Both parties must apply for the license together.
• Identification is required. Both must present an acceptable form of ID. Acceptable forms of ID in accordance with the statue and KCCA’s recorder’s manual include: Drivers’ license, government issued picture ID, original birth certificate, passport, or social security card.
• Both parties must be 18 years old or older.
• Correct spelling of father’s full name and mother’s full maiden name (first, middle and last)
• There is a $50.00 fee for a marriage license.
Cash, certified check, cashier’s check, money order, personal check, Visa, Discover, AMEX or MasterCard.
Where can I return my marriage license after the ceremony?
At the County Clerk’s Office.
Is there a waiting period or blood test requirement?
Do I need to bring my birth certificate?
No, unless you’re under 18.
Do I need to bring my divorce decree?
Do I need to bring my social security card?
Can I get a marriage license in one county in Kentucky and marry in another county in Kentucky?
What do we do after we are married?
• The Officiant will return the signed marriage application to the Harlan County Clerk’s Office. It will be filed with the County Clerk and a Marriage License will be issued to the couple.
• When changing your maiden name, you will take your marriage license to the Social Security Administration. Information about the Social Security Office located at 189 Village Center Rd, Harlan, KY 40831.
• Upon receiving clearance from the Social Security Administration, then you may change your name on your driver’s license. Information about the Harlan County Circuit Clerk’s office.
Need a copy of a marriage license?
By Mail
Send written notice to:
Harlan County Clerk
210 East Central Street, Suite 205
PO Box 670
Harlan, KY 40831
• Include in the written notice the following information: brides maiden name, grooms name and date of marriage(year) if before June 26, 2020; After June 25, 2020 partner 1 or partner 2 maiden name and date of marriage (year).
• A certified copy is $6.00 by mail.
In Person
A certified copy of a marriage license can also be obtained in person at the Harlan County Clerk’s Office. The fee to obtain a certified copy of the marriage license in person is $5.00.